Preparing Your Turf

Before you order your turf you’ll need time to prep your area. By following our step-by-step guide on preparing and laying your turf and you’ll be hosting your dream backyard BBQ in no time.

Follow these instructions for a luscious instant StrathAyr lawn.

If you’re prepared and ready to order, click here

  • Step 1


    Clear The Area

    It might seem like an obvious place to start, but ensuring you have a clean space to work with is critical, then you can start by removing weeds. Whether it is by hand or with a glyphosate herbicide spray, such as Roundup, ensuring your surface is weed-free will go a long way to ensuring that your instant turf is laid on a happy and healthy foundation!

    If couch grass or kikuyu grass is present in the area, spray it with a group B herbicide such as Brushoff. Wait approximately 7-10 days until the weeds die and respray residual weeds as necessary. Remove all debris including any small rocks or twigs. If you’re removing an existing lawn and replacing it with a new variety, consider hiring a turf cutter for large areas. Alternatively, use a sharp spade to remove any traces of existing grass.

  • Step 2

    Cultivate The Area

    Rome was not built in a day, and your dream lawn can’t be either. Using a rotary hoe or garden fork, thoroughly cultivate the soil to an approximate 150mm depth, removing any rocks or sticks as you dig. This is the stage to add Dolomite Lime to correct any problems with soil PH levels and also to incorporate Gypsum into your soil to break up clay soils.


    Step 2

  • Step 3


    Incorporate a Good Quality Top Soil

    An important step is ensuring that you have good quality top soil. A good place to start is by incorporating a sandy loam underlay soil. Spread it to a depth of 100-150mm, depending on your site’s soil.

    REMINDER: For every 10m² of turf, order 1m³ of top soil.

    If you’re using organic composts such as manure, ensure it is well composted. Level off your soil with a rake and then compact it by watering the surface. Ensure finished turf sits 75mm below weep holes.

  • Step 4

    Measure Your Space & Order Your Turf

    And now the real fun begins! Measure up your turf area before marking the dimensions of each section on a sketch pad. Use the StrathAyr turf calculator to help work out how much turf you need. You can order your instant turf online here or by contacting our sales office on 1800 622 455.


    Step 4

  • Step 5


    Apply Lawn Starter

    Before you get too excited, be sure to evenly apply a lawn fertiliser at the recommended rate prior to installing your turf. StrathAyr provides lawn starter free of charge with turf orders over 10m² in Victoria. Lightly rake this into the topsoil prior to laying your turf.

    HANDY TIP: Applying this lawn fertiliser will give your lawn sufficient nutrients for the first 4-6 weeks.

  • Step 6

    Lay The Turf

    So, everything is prepared and ready. Your soil is in perfect condition and your turf has been delivered. Now it’s time to lay your lawn! Freshly harvested at our turf farm and delivered to you, StrathAyr provides instant turf in perfect, ready-to-install condition. Once you receive your turf, lay it immediately to avoid drying out or overheating the turf. We suggest laying the grass rolls in a brick work pattern, so start from a straight edge such as driveway or paving, ensuring the edges fit snugly together. Fold turf slabs when moving them to avoid damage. Alternatively, use a wheelbarrow to move the slabs to your desired area.


    Step 6

  • And voila!


    Water deeply and consistently until the roots have established and the turf slabs can no longer be lifted. By following these easy steps, you’ll be on your way to your dream instant lawn in no time!